Many of you will call me racist, and going by many definitions, I wholeheartedly agree. I believe that you have the right to leave a country if you don't agree with its laws and don't wish to participate in its culture.
In fact I believe the biggest form of racism is lack of assimilation (ref: paraphrase of Barbeluik). As far as I am concerned black, white, yellow, Middle Eastern, Asian, whatever, if you are prepared to love and respect our country and the people in it, then you are welcome here. Sure, there are some cultures/races that I like less than others, but I don't actively go out to cause them trouble. I may boycott Halal products where possible, and businesses that are obviously racist against Australians (ie signs totally in other languages, staff that ignore etc), but NEVER like this...
By now most of you would have heard about the "race riots" in Cronulla over the weekend. What you may not know is that many of the original aggressors are in fact long term residents and even citizens of Australia. What worries me is that (on BOTH sides) how can anyone who was raised (and particularly educated) in this country think that their behaviour (both the original aggressors and the rioters) is acceptable? In KINDERGARTEN you are taught "use friendly hands" - did these people skip Kindy?
How dare anyone attack innocent citizens (ie the people who just happened to be in Cronulla) let alone Ambulance Officers and Lifeguards. Australian, Middle Eastern, in this case I don't care who it was. Show some respect - if not for others, for yourselves and the Ambo's and Lifeguards.
Yes, I am proud to be racist - if you don't want to abide by this country's ethos (let alone laws) - go elsewhere - I do not welcome you or YOUR racism against Australians (whether Australian by birth or naturalisation) here.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Did anyone pray for rain?
Many of you know that I have been praying for guidance and that numbers increase for Kids Friday Live. On Friday night we had the Church's Christmas event (which I had invited the kids to bring their families to). Not only did 2 sets of parents attend (ie come in the door) but HEAPS of kids and some carers (they stayed outside). Praise God!!!! Here's to the others coming inside next year (with their carers/parents).
Kath xo
Kath xo
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
He's not Baby Jesus, he's my son...
It's been around 40 degrees for the past few days - thank God for aircon (seriously, he made it happen financially).
What a week Sean has had...
What a week Sean has had...
- Yesterday when I went to collect him from care the carer said "he might be a bit sweaty - the other kids were trying to wrap him up to be "Baby Jesus"". Awww :) I knew two of the other kids which made it doubly cute.
- On Sunday, he had his first swim (Gloucester pool). Surprisingly it was still worth it after the Swim-nappy, rash shirt and pants, babybanz (v.cute) and sunscreen. In true fashion my son ditched the baby banz... and I forgot the camera!
- Caught him watching The Simpsons tonight...
Kath xo
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The Fire's Out
Last week was a bit-too-much-on-my-plate kind of week. The stress subsided after Kid's Friday Live on Friday night. It was the Christmas party, and this year it was a real success (except for a couple of cheeky (but harmless) kids). This year was a real difference to last year. We also have a praise point - one of the other girls (ladies?) from Church has offered background help on KFL nights - Praise God!!!
On the Sean front - he's 7 months old now and nearly crawling. He also smiles a lot (not like his grumpy Mum!). He listens to Vege Tales (just hope he doesn't develop a complex about eating cucumbers and tomatoes...) and likes to dance around - they grow up too fast!
Kath xo
On the Sean front - he's 7 months old now and nearly crawling. He also smiles a lot (not like his grumpy Mum!). He listens to Vege Tales (just hope he doesn't develop a complex about eating cucumbers and tomatoes...) and likes to dance around - they grow up too fast!
Kath xo
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Okay, Okay, Okay...
It's been a big couple of weeks - landline/internet installed Thurs... getting stress nausea heaps... typing with Sean on knee... need super vitamins to up with it all...
Monday, November 07, 2005
The Mayflower is Pulling into Port...
WE HAVE KEYS!!!! WE HAVE AIRCONDITIONING!!!! and over the next 48 hours WE (will) HAVE CARPET!!!! Yep, the Pilgrims are moving to Mayflower (yes, that's the official name of our new home)! For the cafedave readers out there, there was a piccy back a couple of weeks ago...
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Don't Go Bert!!!!
I just read the tragic news that Bert Newton is abdicating from Good Morning Australia. I think I need a bex and a good lie down.
Kath xo
Kath xo
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
105 Not Out...
Yesterday was Ian's Grandma's 105th Birthday. We were in Sydney for the big day, which was celebrated at her nursing home in GL (God's Land - aka Sutherland Shire).
There were 2 photographers (one from the Leader, one from Wesley Misson who runs the home) and they snapped a lot of photos of Grandma, and Sean!!! The place was decked out with pink (like a Barbara Cartland convention) and we had a great time. We left just before the Line Dancers arrived...
Sincere apologies to those who we didn't catch up with - we do take bookings in advance ;)
K xo
There were 2 photographers (one from the Leader, one from Wesley Misson who runs the home) and they snapped a lot of photos of Grandma, and Sean!!! The place was decked out with pink (like a Barbara Cartland convention) and we had a great time. We left just before the Line Dancers arrived...
Sincere apologies to those who we didn't catch up with - we do take bookings in advance ;)
K xo
Friday, October 07, 2005
Note to self... Don't let Pastor get a blog...
Found this blog ( by hitting the "next blog" button on my blog...
Note to self... Don't let Pastor Peter get a blog...
On a semi-related matter - (one for Julie) my Koorong Catalogue showed that Stryper has a new album... What the?
Note to self... Don't let Pastor Peter get a blog...
On a semi-related matter - (one for Julie) my Koorong Catalogue showed that Stryper has a new album... What the?
Yay for Today!
I will cheer your day up with the blonde things I did yesterday. Firstly I walked out of the house, packed the car (with Sean safely in the car) and drove off to go to Taree (an hour away) with both the front door and the wire screen door W I D E open. I then had lunch at McDonalds and thought some "jerk" was motioning rudely about my driving skills (and he looked like he was in an unmarked police vehicle). He wasn't. When I parked at the next stop I realised that I had left my drink on the roof. NOT a good day... today is already better...
Kath :)
Kath :)
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
The "Real" Grand Final etc
Firstly, congratulations to the Wests Tigers for the win over the weekend. You will have some Dragons breathing down your back next season. Speaking of my beloved Dragons - they WON the Jersey Flegg (under 21's) grand final against Parramatta. Well done boys!!!
Our Bible Study group is studying a series on "Decisions" and it has got me thinking (we're up to study 6, so I'm a bit slow on the uptake) about how little we (okay I) rely on God's guidance for my everyday decisions. I don't mean "Lord, should I wear jeans or a skirt today" etc but decisions like "how should I spend my time/finances" and the not so big stuff... food for thought - and action.
K :)
Our Bible Study group is studying a series on "Decisions" and it has got me thinking (we're up to study 6, so I'm a bit slow on the uptake) about how little we (okay I) rely on God's guidance for my everyday decisions. I don't mean "Lord, should I wear jeans or a skirt today" etc but decisions like "how should I spend my time/finances" and the not so big stuff... food for thought - and action.
K :)
Friday, September 30, 2005
Anyone for a party?
It seems that in the UK and US mums are opting for "parties" of people to be there for the big event. Are they mad? I was in too much pain to swear let alone know who was in the room. Apart from Ian and the medical staff I really only would have let my sister, Jen in the room, and even she opted out!
Another interesting site I saw this week was - not sure where I got it from, but it's very funny. The site shows many very ugly "fashion" events that should never have happened. Worth a look.
Kath xo
Another interesting site I saw this week was - not sure where I got it from, but it's very funny. The site shows many very ugly "fashion" events that should never have happened. Worth a look.
Kath xo
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Dragons' change in direction...
Found the above article ( today in regards to St George Illawarra's leadership over the past few years. It was interesting to see Nathan Brown (Coach) quoted as saying that he wasn't a great captain. Unfortunately I have to agree with him there, however, when you follow players such as Mark Coyne (who's only fault professionally was that he played for Queensland in State of Origin) it is hard to come up with the goods when you haven't been trained to be in that role.
I once worked for a company that didn't believe in training their non-floor (it was retail) staff (ie admin etc, without giving too much away). As a result there were a lot of low paid, low morale workers, and in the end it cost me my job. All it took was a shallow over-achiever and I was pretty much cornered into resiging.
It's like this with our Christian lives too. If we don't keep up with reading God's Word (the Bible) and keeping in contact with Him (by praying) then how can we captain the team of younger (or even new) Christians and encourage them? Just how Browny and I both didn't receive training for our jobs, may Churches (and even people) don't seem to think that you need to put any effort into your spiritial life apart from showing up on Sundays, let alone to commit themselves to a Church or Bible Study/Small Group. How would you feel if someone said to you "I really value you as a friend, but I can't be bothered going to your house or spending time with you"? Pretty shocking, yet we constantly do this to God (I am very guilty of this). Our actions tell God that we aren't interested in what He has to say, and are not interested in coming over to His house or hanging out with His other friends.
Let me challenge you this week - try your local Church (or go back to your regular Church). Why this week? It is harder to go when exciting things such as Football Finals and AFL Grand Finals are on. Ready to take the challenge? Feel free to email me if you want more info or to comment anonymously.
Kath xo
I once worked for a company that didn't believe in training their non-floor (it was retail) staff (ie admin etc, without giving too much away). As a result there were a lot of low paid, low morale workers, and in the end it cost me my job. All it took was a shallow over-achiever and I was pretty much cornered into resiging.
It's like this with our Christian lives too. If we don't keep up with reading God's Word (the Bible) and keeping in contact with Him (by praying) then how can we captain the team of younger (or even new) Christians and encourage them? Just how Browny and I both didn't receive training for our jobs, may Churches (and even people) don't seem to think that you need to put any effort into your spiritial life apart from showing up on Sundays, let alone to commit themselves to a Church or Bible Study/Small Group. How would you feel if someone said to you "I really value you as a friend, but I can't be bothered going to your house or spending time with you"? Pretty shocking, yet we constantly do this to God (I am very guilty of this). Our actions tell God that we aren't interested in what He has to say, and are not interested in coming over to His house or hanging out with His other friends.
Let me challenge you this week - try your local Church (or go back to your regular Church). Why this week? It is harder to go when exciting things such as Football Finals and AFL Grand Finals are on. Ready to take the challenge? Feel free to email me if you want more info or to comment anonymously.
Kath xo
Friday, September 16, 2005
Solid Gold!
Yesterday we had success with Sean and solids (he spat out the rice cereal last time, not that I blame him). Yesterday's fare was puree pear, with the addition of rice cereal in this morning's sitting. He actually grabbed the spoon when I thought he had finished...
I have been carrying a virus or something this week which has knocked me around a bit, I hope Sean doesn't catch it.
Kath xo
Reading: Peter Costello's biography, Watching: Hitch (v.good!!!), Mood: apathetic, Sleep: open to interpretation...
I have been carrying a virus or something this week which has knocked me around a bit, I hope Sean doesn't catch it.
Kath xo
Reading: Peter Costello's biography, Watching: Hitch (v.good!!!), Mood: apathetic, Sleep: open to interpretation...
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Blame & The Dragons...
Blame... I read an interesting post on the Jews for Jesus Blog (link above). It's interesting to think of the happenings due to hurricane Katrina as somebody's "fault". I am guilty of that too. With the Aussies initially stranded there after the destruction, I said to Ian that "they (the Embassy staff high enough up the food chain) should all be fired" for not going to the aid of the Australians that were caught up in it all. Bob (JFJ blogger) brings a good point - the comms etc were all destroyed... Food for thought...
The Dragons... Last night was FANTASTIC - GO THE DRAGONS. I hereby officially apoligise to Nathan Brown for my lack of faith in him and the team earlier in the season. Even if you get this far Browny, you have succeeded!!! To the powers that be at the St George Illawarra RLFC - SIGN HIM UP FOR AT LEAST ANOTHER 3 SEASONS!!!!
Kath xo
The Dragons... Last night was FANTASTIC - GO THE DRAGONS. I hereby officially apoligise to Nathan Brown for my lack of faith in him and the team earlier in the season. Even if you get this far Browny, you have succeeded!!! To the powers that be at the St George Illawarra RLFC - SIGN HIM UP FOR AT LEAST ANOTHER 3 SEASONS!!!!
Kath xo
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Whinging... and the KKK
I have had so much to whinge about lately... everything from sexist pigs at church (there are two men who unfortunately I have absolutely no respect for, to the point of not being able to shake one of their hands on Sunday morning because he makes me so sick) to not being able to order my Ikea catalogue online - maybe 'cos I'm not a 'dr' ;) ...
Last night I saw something on Andrew Denton's Enough Rope that gave me a peace that I haven't had for a very long time. Denton had a guest named Johnny Lee Clary - an ex-KKK leader who has turned to Christ and is now preaching the Word, and helping bring a lot of people to Christ. You can get transcripts off the ABC (Channel 2, Sydney) website, and Johnny has a website too ( There have been a few things I have struggled with over the years, particularly in relation to a certain racial/religious group, that Johnny put in a new perspective...
Kath :)
Last night I saw something on Andrew Denton's Enough Rope that gave me a peace that I haven't had for a very long time. Denton had a guest named Johnny Lee Clary - an ex-KKK leader who has turned to Christ and is now preaching the Word, and helping bring a lot of people to Christ. You can get transcripts off the ABC (Channel 2, Sydney) website, and Johnny has a website too ( There have been a few things I have struggled with over the years, particularly in relation to a certain racial/religious group, that Johnny put in a new perspective...
Kath :)
Thursday, August 25, 2005
The New 'Today' Show Weather Guy?
Monday, August 22, 2005
GO THE DRAGONS!!!! Well, the Dragons' (St George Illawarra) form has certainly been something to write home about. With their 25-22 point victory over the Eels yesterday at Kogarah (Oki Jubilee Stadium) no one could slam them. Even 2GB (we were listening to the game on the radio on the way home from Sydney (yes, we drove past the oval on the way)) played an "ode" to them... They are no 3 in the Rugby League top 8 at the moment.
This has got me thinking. To be more exact, it has got me thinking about the loss of faith many of us Dragons supporters have had over the past few years. With 3 coaches in 5 years and the last great captain was Mark Coyne (sorry Brownie, but it's true) back in the late 90's. Is it really the coach or captain's fault exclusively when a team fails to deliver? I must admit I now think not. In the absence of true leadership the followers will stray.
This is the issue that has been brought up in the media over the past week in relation the the Wallabies (Rugby Union for those who don't know).
Your thoughts?
Kath :)
This has got me thinking. To be more exact, it has got me thinking about the loss of faith many of us Dragons supporters have had over the past few years. With 3 coaches in 5 years and the last great captain was Mark Coyne (sorry Brownie, but it's true) back in the late 90's. Is it really the coach or captain's fault exclusively when a team fails to deliver? I must admit I now think not. In the absence of true leadership the followers will stray.
This is the issue that has been brought up in the media over the past week in relation the the Wallabies (Rugby Union for those who don't know).
Your thoughts?
Kath :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
RIP Barbie?
I noticed an article in the Sydney Morning Herald ( that shows the loss in popularity that Barbie is facing. Her competition? Bratz Dolls. Yes, dolls that are like evil teenage versions of Barbie. How do I know this (apart from the article). I have been know to purchase them in recent years for my niece. In fact, as we speak, I have some Bratz paraphanalia on layby at Kmart!
So what is the appeal of Bratz over Barbie? In my honest opinion, there is only one. Bratz dolls are a little more realistic in the physical department. I am a Barbie girl from way back (although I only had Sindy dolls when I was little - Jen got the Barbies...). Barbie is elegant, stylish, rides a Harley (but you shell out the bikkies for these) and has nicer looking stuff than Bratz dolls.
Kath xo
So what is the appeal of Bratz over Barbie? In my honest opinion, there is only one. Bratz dolls are a little more realistic in the physical department. I am a Barbie girl from way back (although I only had Sindy dolls when I was little - Jen got the Barbies...). Barbie is elegant, stylish, rides a Harley (but you shell out the bikkies for these) and has nicer looking stuff than Bratz dolls.
Kath xo
Sunday, August 14, 2005
It's all in a day's work...

Firstly.... GO THE DRAGONS!!!! I have no sympathy for any Bronco's fans out there - see you in the finals!!! The photo on the left is Sean (taken about a month ago) - see, even a child could predict the fantastic victory!!! ;)
On Friday I went back to work - it's just a day per fortnight in the local school office, but it was enjoyable. Sean went to Tina's (his family day-care person) and I went off to work. By about 9.30 I had adjusted to the separation anxiety...
We'll see how it all goes - Sean seemed to enjoy himself, he slept most of the time!!!
Kath xo
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Speed-Hump Day...
Well, the title says it all... It's Wednesday, and the middle of the week. The week started off well, in Sydney infact. I started Monday morning with a trip to the MECCA of the South (ie God's Land (GL for short)), Miranda Fair. Guess what? They have a KRISPY KREME stall there!!!! YUM!!! I managed to resist (just) but will definately visit on my next trip to GL.
Yesterday I was at home all day, today at a Creative Memories Workshop...
Kath xo
Reading: not much, attempting Sue Townsend's Public Confessions of a Middle Aged Woman (thanks Andrea)
Watching: The Bill, the office (series 1) Washing: 4 loads yesterday
Yesterday I was at home all day, today at a Creative Memories Workshop...
Kath xo
Reading: not much, attempting Sue Townsend's Public Confessions of a Middle Aged Woman (thanks Andrea)
Watching: The Bill, the office (series 1) Washing: 4 loads yesterday
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Up and Down...
This week and a bit is a bit of a mixed bag... The anniversary of my friend Paul's death and funeral, and the anniversary of finding out that I was having Sean. I keep hovering emotionally thinking about Paul, and how Sean never met his "Uncle". That's not to discount all Sean's other Uncles and Aunties (biological or otherwise), but Paul's passing somehow seems to hit me harder. Sometimes I think it's because I live so far away from the others (ie our mutual group of friends from Sydney) and don't "live" with Paul not being there... other times I think I am lucky because there are less constant reminders here...
Kath xo
PS There is a Smithy calendar this month on - yay (even though it's not as good as the last one)!!!
Kath xo
PS There is a Smithy calendar this month on - yay (even though it's not as good as the last one)!!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Blatantly Political
I just read on that Bob Carr has quit!!! I am not normally this blatantly political in my blog, but I am THRILLED!!!! What a pitty that there doesn't seem to be anyone on either side of politics in NSW that would be good enough to be premier.
In honour of my least-favourite politician, lets suggest my top-5 (light-hearted) possible replacements...
1) The Wiggles - they get kids off their backsides and into action...
2) Terri (Georgie Parker's character in All Saints) - can keep a hospital in check...
3) Alf Stewart - makes Summer Bay a respectable place to live...
4) Rove... punctuates the laughing stock that the hospital system is thanks to Bob Carr
5) Merrick Watts... oops, that was serious...
... or add your own...
Kath :)
In honour of my least-favourite politician, lets suggest my top-5 (light-hearted) possible replacements...
1) The Wiggles - they get kids off their backsides and into action...
2) Terri (Georgie Parker's character in All Saints) - can keep a hospital in check...
3) Alf Stewart - makes Summer Bay a respectable place to live...
4) Rove... punctuates the laughing stock that the hospital system is thanks to Bob Carr
5) Merrick Watts... oops, that was serious...
... or add your own...
Kath :)
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Any Volunteers?
I was at the Visitor's (Tourist Information) Centre today (to collect something from someone who works there) and there was a guy asking directions to (I hope I have this right) Pigna Barney Road. Wendy (the Tourist Info person on duty) didn't know where it was and was about to send him out to Pigna Barney Creek (?) until I politely interrupted and said that it was in the new estate where we're building. Turns out that the Council (and I assume RTA) are relying on the Real Estate Agents to be able to put a map together. Wendy nearly sent this guy 30km's out of the way - and he was here to deliver windows!
As I was leaving Wendy asked if I would like to volunteer at the Visitor's Centre. I politely declined (I have enough on my plate). This actually brings me to an interesting point (finally!). Do most Australians participate (ie volunteer) in serving the community? I would be interested to hear feedback on this, (particularly for unusual services) as I heard back in "Year of the Volunteer" (2003/2004?) that it is in rapid decline.
For all you Sean-watchers out there, he's doing well, kicking lots and making very cute "goo-goo" sounds.
Kath xo
As I was leaving Wendy asked if I would like to volunteer at the Visitor's Centre. I politely declined (I have enough on my plate). This actually brings me to an interesting point (finally!). Do most Australians participate (ie volunteer) in serving the community? I would be interested to hear feedback on this, (particularly for unusual services) as I heard back in "Year of the Volunteer" (2003/2004?) that it is in rapid decline.
For all you Sean-watchers out there, he's doing well, kicking lots and making very cute "goo-goo" sounds.
Kath xo
Saturday, July 16, 2005
It's been a while...
Literally. These days I could fill a lot of blog space with Sean's milestones, accomplishments, cute moments etc, but that's not really what makes an interesting blog (unless you are in an online parent's group, or you are the grandparents, aunties and uncles reading).
Today I went out without Sean. No, I didn't forget him, he spent the day with Ian. I actually got to shop with ease (and I bought shoes) - something I have forgotten over the last 3 months.
The other subject I could fill a blog with these days is our new house. It's up to the frame and truss stage, and the bricks have been delivered. Hopefully we will be in by Christmas (this year).
Kath :)
Today I went out without Sean. No, I didn't forget him, he spent the day with Ian. I actually got to shop with ease (and I bought shoes) - something I have forgotten over the last 3 months.
The other subject I could fill a blog with these days is our new house. It's up to the frame and truss stage, and the bricks have been delivered. Hopefully we will be in by Christmas (this year).
Kath :)
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Dein Perry, not Liberace!
I was feeding Sean (10 weeks old) while watching Bert (Bert Newton, Good Morning Australia). The end band (ejazz?) played Copacabana. Sean DANCED to it (well, waved his legs and arms, and even "rejected" me while doing so)!!! I would never have pegged Sean as a Barry Manilow fan. I have only played him Colin Buchanan and Nina Simone...
I hope he is a Tap Dog when he grows up and not a caberet singer (I couldn't keep up with the sequin sewing!).
Kath :)
I hope he is a Tap Dog when he grows up and not a caberet singer (I couldn't keep up with the sequin sewing!).
Kath :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Never Assume...
Some of you already know that I am proudly involved with CWA (Country Women's Association - Gloucester Evening Branch). Although I pretty much refuse to bake scones and knit/crochet hideous coathangers etc I do contribute other ways (eg cooking for catering gigs, letting octogenarians fuss over my son while the under 80's run the show).
Anyway, today I had to approach head office (which is in Potts Point (Kings Cross) - go figure...) for a logo for new (thanks Kath & Rhonda) name badges. Imagine my (pleasant) shock when I was put through to a woman that sounded like she was under 50. Double the effect when she said "Sure Kathryn, can I email that to you?". Trifecta when it was the right thing in a readable format!
Maybe it's time to shed the archaic blue-rinse image that my Auntie Beryl etched into my mind!
Kath xo
Anyway, today I had to approach head office (which is in Potts Point (Kings Cross) - go figure...) for a logo for new (thanks Kath & Rhonda) name badges. Imagine my (pleasant) shock when I was put through to a woman that sounded like she was under 50. Double the effect when she said "Sure Kathryn, can I email that to you?". Trifecta when it was the right thing in a readable format!
Maybe it's time to shed the archaic blue-rinse image that my Auntie Beryl etched into my mind!
Kath xo
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
It's the Strangest Thing...
I was channel flicking whilst feeding Sean today and saw Elmo on the TV (you know, the very cute red guy). Guess what? He's Left Handed! Cool! I'm right handed but my Dad, Sister, Husband and Mother-In-Law are all converted left handers (relics from the bad-0ld-days). I never thought I would be so fascinated by the "handedness" of a puppet!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Still here!
Well I am still here - just haven't had anything interesting to blog about (that I am able to blog about) that doesn't involve baby-baby-baby talk lately.
There is good news though - my sister Jen has got a permanent teaching job, but it's out at Walgett (over 600kms from Sydney). She moved there over the long weekend. She's teaching there until the end of the year and I think she then gets moved to another school (hopefully closer to Sydney or Gloucester!).
Anyway, until I get the hang of "flickr" that's about it for the moment...
Kath xo
PS Feel free to email/comment me suggestions of topics you want me to nag on about if you really want a challenge!
PPS Sean now smiles at us - really cool!!! Can you believe he's 9 weeks old already?
There is good news though - my sister Jen has got a permanent teaching job, but it's out at Walgett (over 600kms from Sydney). She moved there over the long weekend. She's teaching there until the end of the year and I think she then gets moved to another school (hopefully closer to Sydney or Gloucester!).
Anyway, until I get the hang of "flickr" that's about it for the moment...
Kath xo
PS Feel free to email/comment me suggestions of topics you want me to nag on about if you really want a challenge!
PPS Sean now smiles at us - really cool!!! Can you believe he's 9 weeks old already?
Monday, June 13, 2005
How well do you know your FRIENDS?
No, I'm not talking Rachel, Ross, Monica etc, but your actual friends. I received an email today which was all about that. You may have seen it before (or I may have forwarded it to you - don't be offended if I didn't - 'it ain't personal'). Here are the first 5 questions with my answers...
1. What time did you get up this morning? 8.25am
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. The last film you saw at the cinema? Meet the Fockers/The Bourne Supremecy (Can't remember which)
4. What is your favourite TV show? THE BILL
5. What did you have for breakfast? Mushrooms on toast
It made me think, how much do we really know about our friends. No, I'm not out to be nosy, or live in people's pockets, but if you know (or think you know) somebody well, think about how much you really know about them.
Most of you who know me will know that The Bill is my favourite show (although Alex, you will have to squeeze out more tears if they are going to even think about giving "Smithy" a BAFTA), but did you know that my favourite food is Indian, or that my childhood favourite toy was Rabbit Ears...
Food for thought...
Kath xo
1. What time did you get up this morning? 8.25am
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. The last film you saw at the cinema? Meet the Fockers/The Bourne Supremecy (Can't remember which)
4. What is your favourite TV show? THE BILL
5. What did you have for breakfast? Mushrooms on toast
It made me think, how much do we really know about our friends. No, I'm not out to be nosy, or live in people's pockets, but if you know (or think you know) somebody well, think about how much you really know about them.
Most of you who know me will know that The Bill is my favourite show (although Alex, you will have to squeeze out more tears if they are going to even think about giving "Smithy" a BAFTA), but did you know that my favourite food is Indian, or that my childhood favourite toy was Rabbit Ears...
Food for thought...
Kath xo
Monday, May 30, 2005
A New Life?
Yes, I am still alive! It's been a hectic week (most of it seems to be spent feeding Sean) but I thank God for the good times I have had with friends and family. This last week I have (due to my 30th Birthday) had a lot of chats with people over the phone and some time with friends and family (mostly not B'day connected). It was great having my sister Jen here for a few days, and meeting up with Kel & Dave for lunch. What was also good was a couple of my Gloucester friends taking me to coffee at Perenti (a fantastic coffee mecca in Gloucester) for my big day. To top it off, my cousin Janelle just called me, which was cool as we are both as slack as each other in the communication stakes!
Today we had Sean's 6 week check up at the Community Health Centre. All is good - he's putting on weight (thankfully he's meant to!) and is fairly happy at the moment. Mummy is doing well too - they get you to fill in a questionaire which essentially checks if you are suffering PND (post-natal depression). The good news is that they don't make you do this test while child is screaming at 3am!
Okay, so not the most interesting blog, but it just about sums up my "new life".
Kath xo
Today we had Sean's 6 week check up at the Community Health Centre. All is good - he's putting on weight (thankfully he's meant to!) and is fairly happy at the moment. Mummy is doing well too - they get you to fill in a questionaire which essentially checks if you are suffering PND (post-natal depression). The good news is that they don't make you do this test while child is screaming at 3am!
Okay, so not the most interesting blog, but it just about sums up my "new life".
Kath xo
Friday, May 20, 2005
Good Times, and not so Good Times
My husband has brought up the point that it has been a while since I have blogged (mind you, he doesn't have a blog, so he has to rely on mine). As usual, a lot has happened since my last entry...
Last weekend was a biggy. We went to Sydney to see our friends, and go to a 30th, a 21st (the same night), and mine/Ian's/Sean's combined 30th (me), 5th Wedding Anniversary (for the benefit of our new/re-acquainted friends) and meet Sean. Sunday night we gathered with a few friends and scattered our friend Paul's ashes (see entries from July/August 04) at Eleoura Beach (Cronulla).
Out of all the hectic-ness of the weekend, it was Paul's little memorial that made us stand still. As the 23rd Psalm says "He (God) leads me beside quiet waters". Well, the waters weren't still (silly me practically walked into the ocean with jeans and boots on) but we had a sense of peace knowing that Paul is in God's presence for Eternity (ie Heaven). Paul, we may be moving on, but we will forever miss you.
On a brighter note, Sean has discovered that he can rub his eyes with his hands, and he gives me death-stares when I try to put mittens, hats or anything warm (apart from his blankie) on him.
K xo
Last weekend was a biggy. We went to Sydney to see our friends, and go to a 30th, a 21st (the same night), and mine/Ian's/Sean's combined 30th (me), 5th Wedding Anniversary (for the benefit of our new/re-acquainted friends) and meet Sean. Sunday night we gathered with a few friends and scattered our friend Paul's ashes (see entries from July/August 04) at Eleoura Beach (Cronulla).
Out of all the hectic-ness of the weekend, it was Paul's little memorial that made us stand still. As the 23rd Psalm says "He (God) leads me beside quiet waters". Well, the waters weren't still (silly me practically walked into the ocean with jeans and boots on) but we had a sense of peace knowing that Paul is in God's presence for Eternity (ie Heaven). Paul, we may be moving on, but we will forever miss you.
On a brighter note, Sean has discovered that he can rub his eyes with his hands, and he gives me death-stares when I try to put mittens, hats or anything warm (apart from his blankie) on him.
K xo
Monday, May 09, 2005
Mother's Day / Unusual Ministries
Mother's Day
Yesterday was my first Mother's Day, and Sean, Ian and even Uncle Bob & Auntie Lesley came up trumps for me! All of the above sent cards (my uncle and aunt sent a new mum card) and Sean gave (well let Mummy shop) me a new top (wearing it to Greek Yum Cha next week, hopefully). Thank you also to those who sent me text messages - it gave me a smile or two!!!
I spent the day at Wauchope (pron War-hope) visiting Ian's family (even though Ian was at a conference in Orange), and Sean was an angel - he loves the car trip!?!
Unusual Ministries
On the way to Wauchope I was listening to a technology programme on the radio and there was an interview with a guy (in Brisbane?) who runs LanJam ( if the link doesn't work) which is an outreach to the local youth. It's run in a Church hall on an occasional basis, and people come from far and wide to play computer games there. There is no alcohol, drugs etc but this hasn't hindered its popularity.
If anyone has any unusual (existing or previously existing) ministries that they know of let me know via comments and I will put the best ones (okay the ones that make me cry (happy tears) or laugh the most) on a new blog entry...
Kath xo
Yesterday was my first Mother's Day, and Sean, Ian and even Uncle Bob & Auntie Lesley came up trumps for me! All of the above sent cards (my uncle and aunt sent a new mum card) and Sean gave (well let Mummy shop) me a new top (wearing it to Greek Yum Cha next week, hopefully). Thank you also to those who sent me text messages - it gave me a smile or two!!!
I spent the day at Wauchope (pron War-hope) visiting Ian's family (even though Ian was at a conference in Orange), and Sean was an angel - he loves the car trip!?!
Unusual Ministries
On the way to Wauchope I was listening to a technology programme on the radio and there was an interview with a guy (in Brisbane?) who runs LanJam ( if the link doesn't work) which is an outreach to the local youth. It's run in a Church hall on an occasional basis, and people come from far and wide to play computer games there. There is no alcohol, drugs etc but this hasn't hindered its popularity.
If anyone has any unusual (existing or previously existing) ministries that they know of let me know via comments and I will put the best ones (okay the ones that make me cry (happy tears) or laugh the most) on a new blog entry...
Kath xo
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Day 9 and All's Well...
Well Sean is 9 days old today, and all is going well. I won't bore you with the monotonous routine of feed, sleep, nappy change, feed, sleep... or the "too much info" of what it's really like to be a new parent, but I can honestly say that there is no greater love on this planet that that of a parent and child. You do things for your child that you wouldn't do for anyone else, especially the 3/4 hour it takes to get up and feed and change him. It's going to be more of a challenge when Ian goes back to work next week... he's my chief nappy checker!
Kath :)
Quote of the Day ( Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616):
Everyone is as God made him, and oftentimes a great deal worse.
Kath :)
Quote of the Day ( Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616):
Everyone is as God made him, and oftentimes a great deal worse.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
It's a Boy!!!
As you can tell by the title, last Monday at the Obstetrician went really well. She put me straight into hospital and things were moved along on Tuesday morning. After six hours in the birthing suite (the last four hours were the actual labour) we were blessed with the arrival of our beautiful little boy, Sean Ian William.
Sean was born at 2.08pm on Tuesday 19 April, weighing 6lb 15 oz (3.1kg)and 50cm long. The not so funny part was that he got stuck and things were a little tricky for a while, but the funny part was that he was born while the afternoon repeats of The Bill were on - this kid has taste!
Thank you all for your messages and prayers of support throughout my pregnancy (especially when I was such a grumpy cow at the end). Thank you also to dave, Julie and all the others who kept everyone up to date while I was offline - much appreciated :)
Kath xo
Sean was born at 2.08pm on Tuesday 19 April, weighing 6lb 15 oz (3.1kg)and 50cm long. The not so funny part was that he got stuck and things were a little tricky for a while, but the funny part was that he was born while the afternoon repeats of The Bill were on - this kid has taste!
Thank you all for your messages and prayers of support throughout my pregnancy (especially when I was such a grumpy cow at the end). Thank you also to dave, Julie and all the others who kept everyone up to date while I was offline - much appreciated :)
Kath xo
Friday, April 15, 2005
Still here. Still blogging, answering calls/emails of concern ("yes, we're still here") and it now takes a 3-point roll to get out of bed. Bubs now has people talking to it. It's quite funny - it ranges from "C'mon sweetie, we want to meet you" to "GET OUT" (me whilst on the phone to our US friend, Pete). All the babies associated with our town that have been due over March/April have now been born. Even the ones due after ours. My day is filled with fervent prayers for patience, sleep and not doing much else.
My situation is being reviewed on Monday if nothing happens beforehand, with likely inducing on Tues or Thurs next week. My parents and Jen (sister) are coming up to Newcastle on the weekend and staying for about a week.
Might as well go and brush up on my Monopoly X-Box score...
Kath xo
My situation is being reviewed on Monday if nothing happens beforehand, with likely inducing on Tues or Thurs next week. My parents and Jen (sister) are coming up to Newcastle on the weekend and staying for about a week.
Might as well go and brush up on my Monopoly X-Box score...
Kath xo
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
D-Day ?!?
Well today is the day I find out when our little one is going to join us. Thankfully the end of the road is near. I really can't wait to hold her/him in my arms. Unfortunately I don't know if/when I (or Ian) will next get to blog. If you can't wait for info, I can access my hotmail via my mobile - try the address below and put Bubs? in the subject line (then it directs to me!) if you can't wait till I get home.
Yesterday I broke with this "resting" nonsense (which until it was due, was fair enough, but there is no way I am going to rest up if Bubs isn't going to play the game and come on-time (which was Monday) or early - it's give and take in this family Bubs!!!), washed the car and pulled a few weeds from the garden. I was actually sweating like a pig! Still nothing!
On non-baby stuff... watched CSI: NY last night (I have seen it before) - I wonder if it is going to be like CSI: Miami, which I now like, but not as much as the original CSI. At this stage it isn't impressing me too much. Thoughts?
Kath xo
Yesterday I broke with this "resting" nonsense (which until it was due, was fair enough, but there is no way I am going to rest up if Bubs isn't going to play the game and come on-time (which was Monday) or early - it's give and take in this family Bubs!!!), washed the car and pulled a few weeds from the garden. I was actually sweating like a pig! Still nothing!
On non-baby stuff... watched CSI: NY last night (I have seen it before) - I wonder if it is going to be like CSI: Miami, which I now like, but not as much as the original CSI. At this stage it isn't impressing me too much. Thoughts?
Kath xo
Monday, April 11, 2005
Today's the Day... or is it?
Well here we are! Today (11 April) is my baby's due day. Guess what? As at 3.26pm No baby! We've had a few tell-tale movements (or rather pains) over the weekend, but when it comes to producing the goods, my little angel has decided to continue it's hibernation. Ian, myself and even my Dad have our bags packed in anticipation. My Mum has called to see if I'm okay and I shocked one of my child-veteran friends (mother of four, grandmother of at least eight) that I am (in her words) still here.
I cannot find any raspberry leaf tea in Gloucester (the health food shop lady was very sympathetic) and the idea of walking is enough to kill me!!! (Remember, I have been forced to do nothing since 10 March). Any other ideas are welcome!!!
On a happier note - did anyone else find the wedding on The Bill (ie June & Jim's) more interesting and exciting than Charles & Camilla's?
Kath xo
I cannot find any raspberry leaf tea in Gloucester (the health food shop lady was very sympathetic) and the idea of walking is enough to kill me!!! (Remember, I have been forced to do nothing since 10 March). Any other ideas are welcome!!!
On a happier note - did anyone else find the wedding on The Bill (ie June & Jim's) more interesting and exciting than Charles & Camilla's?
Kath xo
Saturday, April 09, 2005
32-6 To all you Manly fans out there - this is a score that should (for the next week at least) be etched on your minds!!! Congrats Brownie and Lads - it was worth the wait!!! (you can see sportsmanship is one of my strong points, hence why I don't play sport). If the above link works, it's well worth reading...
Kinda makes up for Southern District's beating by Sydney Uni in Shute Shield...
Kath xo
Kinda makes up for Southern District's beating by Sydney Uni in Shute Shield...
Kath xo
Thursday, April 07, 2005
My bags are packed, my conversation topics are limited (please, if/when you talk to me, it's okay, even good to talk about more than just Bubs' arrival), I am getting very impatient!
Yesterday I went for my (now weekly) checkup with the midwife (obstetrician is away). I found out that if Bubs doesn't arrive by next Wednesday's appointment (it will be 2 days overdue) we will be looking at when it's being induced (was I happy to hear that). Apparently since my blood pressure has been high, it won't be more than about a week over the due date (another sigh of relief), so that means in less than 2 weeks I will officially be a Mother!!!
This brings it's own concerns - will I screw the kid up? will it make me rich and comfortable in my old age? will it eat normal food (some of my friends' kids make me wonder!)? will it like me? will I like it (more a question for 13-15 years time)? will it look like me or Ian? or both? will it bring home stray pets/boyfriends/girlfriends/friends-in-general that I need to feed and house? what will I do if it supports the (NRL) Broncos, or worse still, Manly??? (I can handle rejection of Faith, you can pray about that, I don't think rejection of football teams are really a prayable thing...) or worse still (AFL) Carlton? (see what resting at home does to you)...
By the way, I am still open to name suggestions - the more laugh-producing the better!
Kath xo
Yesterday I went for my (now weekly) checkup with the midwife (obstetrician is away). I found out that if Bubs doesn't arrive by next Wednesday's appointment (it will be 2 days overdue) we will be looking at when it's being induced (was I happy to hear that). Apparently since my blood pressure has been high, it won't be more than about a week over the due date (another sigh of relief), so that means in less than 2 weeks I will officially be a Mother!!!
This brings it's own concerns - will I screw the kid up? will it make me rich and comfortable in my old age? will it eat normal food (some of my friends' kids make me wonder!)? will it like me? will I like it (more a question for 13-15 years time)? will it look like me or Ian? or both? will it bring home stray pets/boyfriends/girlfriends/friends-in-general that I need to feed and house? what will I do if it supports the (NRL) Broncos, or worse still, Manly??? (I can handle rejection of Faith, you can pray about that, I don't think rejection of football teams are really a prayable thing...) or worse still (AFL) Carlton? (see what resting at home does to you)...
By the way, I am still open to name suggestions - the more laugh-producing the better!
Kath xo
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Yep, we're into the counting down of days, (hopefully) not weeks until our son/daughter's birth. I was chatting to my Mum last night and she couldn't understand my rationale of "If this baby isn't out 8 days after it's due, I want a good explanation from my obstetrician" (The 8th day is her surgery day (ie in theatre etc)). What threw me the most was that by 39 weeks (where Bubs and I are now) both Jen and I were out into the big wide world! And she wonders why I am being insistant!!!
Today is also Ian's Birthday!!! He's not into the whole Birthday thing like me but I have seen him go a little red at the prospect, especially since he's getting roast lamb for dinner. I have "told" Bubs not to arrive today unless they want to share their birthday for life...
For those of you who are X-Box fans, here's a laugh - I have spent a lot of time in the X-Box suite and am actually getting good at Monopoly for X-Box. There are 2 AI's that I won't play with, and another one I am dubious about... sign of the times.
Kath xo
Today is also Ian's Birthday!!! He's not into the whole Birthday thing like me but I have seen him go a little red at the prospect, especially since he's getting roast lamb for dinner. I have "told" Bubs not to arrive today unless they want to share their birthday for life...
For those of you who are X-Box fans, here's a laugh - I have spent a lot of time in the X-Box suite and am actually getting good at Monopoly for X-Box. There are 2 AI's that I won't play with, and another one I am dubious about... sign of the times.
Kath xo
Friday, April 01, 2005
The Value of Life
The last couple of weeks have made me really think more about the value of life, particularly human life. The news has been hilighted by stories of peoples "right" to die versus the "right" to live.
This morning I was woken with the news that Terri Shiavo had won her right to die, or was that lost her right to live; The Pope, John Paul II was allegedly being given his Sacrement of the Infirmed (or "Last Rites" in the old language), and last Monday in Indonesia there was a horrific earthquake, and the people there didn't have much time to think about rights or rites.
I just looked up ninemsn for the latest news and Terri's passing doesn't rate a mention in the latest news. The earthquake in Indonesia still rates, as does The Pope's condition. I just feel that something is wrong with this world, that we don't as people have the same care and love that God has for His Creation. He cares for each little sparrow that falls, and we (yes, I am very guilty of it too), as a whole don't seem to give much thought to the health or mortality to those around us, let alone those accross the globe.
Food for thought ?!?
Kath xo
This morning I was woken with the news that Terri Shiavo had won her right to die, or was that lost her right to live; The Pope, John Paul II was allegedly being given his Sacrement of the Infirmed (or "Last Rites" in the old language), and last Monday in Indonesia there was a horrific earthquake, and the people there didn't have much time to think about rights or rites.
I just looked up ninemsn for the latest news and Terri's passing doesn't rate a mention in the latest news. The earthquake in Indonesia still rates, as does The Pope's condition. I just feel that something is wrong with this world, that we don't as people have the same care and love that God has for His Creation. He cares for each little sparrow that falls, and we (yes, I am very guilty of it too), as a whole don't seem to give much thought to the health or mortality to those around us, let alone those accross the globe.
Food for thought ?!?
Kath xo
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
2W6D - but who's counting?
Well most of the bags (yes, that's plural) are packed, the lists of who to call (and who to ask to pass on the news) are being compiled, the names sorted (don't worry, they're pronouncable, much to my protest, I love the unpronouncable Irish ones) and I am doing silly things like making Neenish Tarts (ref: cafedave comment yesterday) which I have never made (or had the inclination to) before.
Nearly everything revolves around the baby's soon to be arrival at the moment, but that's pretty normal from what I'm told. Ian will just be happy when I stop snoring like a train!
If anyone has any ideas for names (that we may not have thought of) or some real (or silly) advice (no major horror stories thanks, it's going to be me, not you on the slab) feel free to put forward - I could do with a laugh!
Kath xo
Nearly everything revolves around the baby's soon to be arrival at the moment, but that's pretty normal from what I'm told. Ian will just be happy when I stop snoring like a train!
If anyone has any ideas for names (that we may not have thought of) or some real (or silly) advice (no major horror stories thanks, it's going to be me, not you on the slab) feel free to put forward - I could do with a laugh!
Kath xo
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Home Sweet Home
Well my planned extra blogging hasn't eventuated. Since my movement is a bit limited at the moment, there is pretty much nothing that I can do. Thank you for your comments/emails/ msn messenger notes of support, they have helped get me through the last 8 days.
My last week has been as follows:
Wake up, eat, watch TV/DVD or read, check email and surf the net a bit, drive down to the shops and do whatever shopping I can as quickly as possible and come home. I have also been cooking and freezing for the coming weeks/months.
Thankfully there have been a few outings, but they are confined to Gloucester and only for short periods of time.
Now I don't want to seem whingy and ungrateful, but this would all sit (ha!) a lot happier with me if I could bank sleep/rest etc. In no more than 3 weeks, 2 days (I hope you are listening Doc, I am not going to take this "let's go a few days over") our little bundle of joy is going to be here (earlier if it is as impatient as its mum) and all this will be a thing of the past.
Actually (if I haven't bored you to death already) has anyone been served a Carrot and Pineapple dish (I think it has gelatin and is made in a ring) before? Very interesting... tasted better than it sounds...
Kath xo (the grump - I promise, it's only temporary)
My last week has been as follows:
Wake up, eat, watch TV/DVD or read, check email and surf the net a bit, drive down to the shops and do whatever shopping I can as quickly as possible and come home. I have also been cooking and freezing for the coming weeks/months.
Thankfully there have been a few outings, but they are confined to Gloucester and only for short periods of time.
Now I don't want to seem whingy and ungrateful, but this would all sit (ha!) a lot happier with me if I could bank sleep/rest etc. In no more than 3 weeks, 2 days (I hope you are listening Doc, I am not going to take this "let's go a few days over") our little bundle of joy is going to be here (earlier if it is as impatient as its mum) and all this will be a thing of the past.
Actually (if I haven't bored you to death already) has anyone been served a Carrot and Pineapple dish (I think it has gelatin and is made in a ring) before? Very interesting... tasted better than it sounds...
Kath xo (the grump - I promise, it's only temporary)
Friday, March 11, 2005
Pilgrim: Out with Injury for 4 weeks...
No it's not a headline for the St George Leader Sports Page (in ref to my beloved Dragons). I have been sidelined (effective last night) by my Obstetrician for high blood pressure and swollen feet that won't go down. If I do rest I lessen my chances of landing in hospital pre-birth (but there are no guarantees). Now this isn't unusual for particularly first-time mums, but your prayers and support would be greatly appreciated as this is not easy for a girl who always was put in the "fidget" queue at Physical Culture when she was little.
Hopefully this means more blogs (although I cannot guarantee that they will be action packed).
Kath xo
Hopefully this means more blogs (although I cannot guarantee that they will be action packed).
Kath xo
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Okay, let's put it straight - I said I was a very slack blogger and people are now asking me if I am ever going to blog again... :) I just got back from 1.5 weeks in Sydney/Sth Coast and had to watch The Bill before blogging. Those are my priorities, so live with it!!!
Speaking of priorities, our little bundle of joy/bub/four-leaf-clover (it's 1/4 Irish) is due in 4 weeks 6 days (if it is right on time). I am very excited and totally over carrying it! Last Saturday my sister Jen threw me a great Baby Shower and Bubs and I were spoilt rotten!!!
Tomorrow I am doing my first aid course and I finally get to relax from this Sunday... I just hope bubs doesn't take it upon itself to come on Monday...
Anyway will try to blog a bit more frequently in the next couple of weeks...
Kath xo
Speaking of priorities, our little bundle of joy/bub/four-leaf-clover (it's 1/4 Irish) is due in 4 weeks 6 days (if it is right on time). I am very excited and totally over carrying it! Last Saturday my sister Jen threw me a great Baby Shower and Bubs and I were spoilt rotten!!!
Tomorrow I am doing my first aid course and I finally get to relax from this Sunday... I just hope bubs doesn't take it upon itself to come on Monday...
Anyway will try to blog a bit more frequently in the next couple of weeks...
Kath xo
Sunday, February 13, 2005
The World's Slackest Blogger?
I don't know why it is but I am really good at reading my friends blogs every day or so, but am absolutely hopeless at updating mine. Maybe I would do better if I was working in an office and snuck some me-blog time into my day. Actually I had a boss so dumb (but in a friendly sort of way) once that I could have run my own business there and he wouldn't have noticed. It was funny because this guy was basically a clone of Jim's dad in American Pie. Needless to say I lasted at that company longer than he did!
Anyway, I have spent the last week trying to get all our colours and bathroom/kitchen colours (paint, tiles, etc) in order for the house contract signing. I am very excited (I know, I wasn't before) in an "over it" kind of way. I am beginning to think that carpet sales people are the new used car/photocopier sales people and will tell you anything to make a sale. I have noticed that when I tell them that I started my search in Sydney and due to the house not being fully up yet I won't be buying for at least 4-6 months that they seem to let their guard down a bit and seem to let go of the "bull" factor a bit... maybe it's just my perception.
Kath xo
Anyway, I have spent the last week trying to get all our colours and bathroom/kitchen colours (paint, tiles, etc) in order for the house contract signing. I am very excited (I know, I wasn't before) in an "over it" kind of way. I am beginning to think that carpet sales people are the new used car/photocopier sales people and will tell you anything to make a sale. I have noticed that when I tell them that I started my search in Sydney and due to the house not being fully up yet I won't be buying for at least 4-6 months that they seem to let their guard down a bit and seem to let go of the "bull" factor a bit... maybe it's just my perception.
Kath xo
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
70 Days to Go.... Baby Talk Warning!!!
That's right!!! Assuming our little angel arrives on the dot of 11 April, Ian and I are on our 70th last "child free" day (not that it isn't making its prescence felt... *kick*kick*feedmemum*kick*kick... you get the idea). It's all at the point where I can't wait for it all to be over and be presented with a cute little red screaming wrinkly thing... but that's just me (and Ian).
Some light heartedness on the subject. Some of you may know that (as embarrassing as it is) that I am a green P-Plater. In NSW the RTA now has printed on the bottom right corner of your L or P plates the maximum speed that you can go (for me it is 100 km/hr in a 100-110 zone). A couple of weeks ago I was out with a couple of friends in Sydney when my friend Andrew said (jokingly) "does that mean that you've got 100 days to go?", and to a red P-Plate "90 days to go?" and then (in a louder voice) - "She's in LABOUR!!!". After panicking (thinking my waters had broken way too early), I realised that he was looking at a L-Plate... Admittedly I still laugh sometimes when I see an L-plate because if they drive like I did back then, it would send me into labour!!!
Kath xo
Some light heartedness on the subject. Some of you may know that (as embarrassing as it is) that I am a green P-Plater. In NSW the RTA now has printed on the bottom right corner of your L or P plates the maximum speed that you can go (for me it is 100 km/hr in a 100-110 zone). A couple of weeks ago I was out with a couple of friends in Sydney when my friend Andrew said (jokingly) "does that mean that you've got 100 days to go?", and to a red P-Plate "90 days to go?" and then (in a louder voice) - "She's in LABOUR!!!". After panicking (thinking my waters had broken way too early), I realised that he was looking at a L-Plate... Admittedly I still laugh sometimes when I see an L-plate because if they drive like I did back then, it would send me into labour!!!
Kath xo
Monday, January 24, 2005
I didn't know I knew so much...or do I?
I was at after-Church supper last night and was chatting to a couple of the teenage girls there (Yr 10 and Year 12). The cricket was on (I managed to limit my yawning) and Michael Clarke walked across the screen.
I made the cheeky comment which went something like "He's the best thing about cricket - even when he takes his helmet off his hair looks good... and he drives a BMW". After batting (ha!) off the "Shallow" accusations the girls and I launched into a hair conversation. I gave a run down on what I thought he did with his hair (starting with my famous "you need to coat the strands first"). They totally stunned me with "so did you used to be a hairdresser?".
Floored. I said no, I had just been doing my own hair (it's really a hobby) for 13 years. Imagine my horror when I realised that if I had been doing my own hair (as a hobby mind you) for 13 yrs I would be 26 this year. I wish! It's more like 17 years!!!! And they say overnight success is 15 years... well I don't know how successful I am, but it's not bad for a hobby. Feel free to add your own hair stories (or hash up some of my worst (or best) folical moments)...
Kath xo
I made the cheeky comment which went something like "He's the best thing about cricket - even when he takes his helmet off his hair looks good... and he drives a BMW". After batting (ha!) off the "Shallow" accusations the girls and I launched into a hair conversation. I gave a run down on what I thought he did with his hair (starting with my famous "you need to coat the strands first"). They totally stunned me with "so did you used to be a hairdresser?".
Floored. I said no, I had just been doing my own hair (it's really a hobby) for 13 years. Imagine my horror when I realised that if I had been doing my own hair (as a hobby mind you) for 13 yrs I would be 26 this year. I wish! It's more like 17 years!!!! And they say overnight success is 15 years... well I don't know how successful I am, but it's not bad for a hobby. Feel free to add your own hair stories (or hash up some of my worst (or best) folical moments)...
Kath xo
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Is it just me???
A few minutes ago I had an interesting phone call. It was from an Animal-based charity seeking donations. I politely said that our family (well Ian & myself) only give to Human-based charities in the first instance. The caller was pleasant and accepted my point of view (it is great that they didn't rabbit on (yes, bad pun) and be pushy).
But what I thought was interesting is that so many people are giving to the Tsunami appeal/s at the moment, is it good or bad timing for other non-humanitarian charities to counter with their appeals?
Makes you think....
Kath xo
But what I thought was interesting is that so many people are giving to the Tsunami appeal/s at the moment, is it good or bad timing for other non-humanitarian charities to counter with their appeals?
Makes you think....
Kath xo
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