Thursday, September 07, 2006

Shame Germaine

Greer continues Irwin attack

Love him or hate him, most of us have an opinion on the life of Steve Irwin. I personally liked Steve and appreciate the work he did for conservation in this country. Like many of us, he made mistakes too, but like a worthy role-model for our children, he admitted to them and tried to make the world a better place. Steve, I only wish you knew the beauty of the Creator as well as His creation.

Germaine Greer is, like the rest of us entitled to her opinion. However, in this blogger's eyes, Greer has yet again gone too far. We talk about tall poppies in this country and how many people like to cut them down. I never expected Ms Greer to be one of the poppy 'hench-womyn'.

Greer had her time in the limelight with her so called feminism and liberation of women. It is time for her to put on the sensible slippers and dressing gown and potter around the garden or at the leisure centre. I am ashamed that I share the same birth-country as her. In my view, Ms Greer has done NOTHING for either women or this country. As one of my wise friends pointed out, it is because of her we have women who struggle with the pressure to do EVERYTHING - hold down a full-time job, run a household and raise a family as well as contribute to the community in general. My friend and I agree that there is nothing wrong with these things, but we feel that it is because of Greer and the like that it is now becoming expected of women.

I wonder what kind of memorial Ms Greer will receive at the end of her life...

Kath :)

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